Here is an extremely hard chess puzzle for those who want to test their chess knowledge and puzzle solving skills! The puzzle is nearly impossible to solve with chess engines and all you need is your brain! This time I am testing Stockfish 10 with a brilliant chess puzzle composed by Soviet chess composer From Simkhovich. In the video you can see that this time I also left Stockfish 10 to run, but as the engine is unable to understand chess fortresses that fact deviates the monster from the right path and the whole evaluation goes wrong! The critical moment is when the engine fails to find the winning 2.Nd6+! In the end of the video as usual you can solve the daily puzzle!
From Simkhovich, White to draw
L’Italia Scacchistica, 1924
The puzzle in Forsyth-Edwards Notation (FEN): 2br4/r2pp3/8/1p1p1kN1/pP1P4/2P3R1/PP3PP1/2K5 w – – 0 0