Listen to Our Story and Help Change the World || This is “The Gift of Chess”!

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Over the coming year, The Gift of Chess hopes to significantly scale our impact across three of our four initiatives:
Youth education (5,000 sets) – we want to put a choice-time kit into the hands of teachers in 1,000 elementary school classrooms across NYC, reaching 25,000 students!

Global outreach (3,000 sets) – with outreach completed and underway in Nigeria, Uganda, and Kenya, we hope to bring 1,000 sets to an additional three African countries this year!

Prison outreach (2,000 sets) – we plan to leverage our recently formed partnership with Exodus, a transitional community for the formerly incarcerated, to bring 2,000 sets to prison facilities and outreach programs across NYC and beyond this year!

We hope to raise a collective $50,000 to support these three initiatives by the end of September. Thank you in advance for your support of our mission of transforming lives through the universal language of chess! The Gift of Chess is a registered 501(c)(3) charity and all donations are tax-deductible.

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