NM Spencer Finegold discusses the games of Samuel Boden as part of the Great Players of the Past series. This lecture was recorded January 15, 2019 at CCSCATL in Roswell, Georgia.
Games Discussed:
R Schulder vs. Samuel Boden
London (1853)
Samuel Boden vs. Belaiev
London (1867)
George MacDonnell vs. Samuel Boden
London (1869)
Samuel Boden vs. Paul Morphy
London (1858)
GM Ben Finegold’s personal Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/benfinegold2600
Please consider a donation at: https://atlchessclub.com/donate/
Intro and concluding music: “Da Jazz Blues,” by Doug Maxwell; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Mopx…. Thank you Doug!