The Veresov Attack: Chess Openings for White 🎓 IM Valeri Lilov (Part 1)

The Veresov Attack is one of the most dynamic chess openings for White which occurs after the move 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nc3 or 1.d4 d5 2.Nc3. It is an offbeat opening for White which became quite popular in recent years. Get instant access with 25% off â–º

Strong and creative grandmasters like Baadur Jobava and Richard Rapport started to frequently play this opening and contributed a lot of fresh ideas to the opening.

On top of that, many other strong grandmasters like Mamedyarov, Radjabov, Nakamura, Naiditsch and even Carlsen started to use this opening as a surprise weapon.

One of the main advantages of playing the Veresov Attack – especially at club level – is that White usually brings Black out of his comfort zone as early as move 2.

Most club players have never studied the relatively rare Veresov Attack and don’t know how to play against it.

That said, if studied well, the Veresov Attack can even serve as a killer chess opening for White.

Nowadays, with the availability of huge databases and chess engines which calculate way better than any human can, it’s a huge advantage when you did a lot of home-preparation and your opponent has to figure out all the moves on his own at the chessboard.

Hence, the Veresov Attack can be a deadly weapon in the right hands.

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