♕ 60% OFF EMPIRE CHESS MEGA BUNDLE(offer expired, but you can still get it here at a special price): href=”http://www.ichess.net/sale/empire-chess-complete-webinar/” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow”>http://www.ichess.net/sale/empire-chess-complete-webinar/
♕ 10 GM SECRETS: https://www.ichess.net/10gmsecrets/
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In chess, a little knowledge goes a long way. Recognizing the opportunity for a thematic combination, knowing the key move in your favorite opening and being aware of the winning technique in an endgame is enough to win you games on its own.
This Saturday (1st October) IM Valeri Lilov is going to show you why chess knowledge is power – and give you a ton of cool tips and tricks to use.
This free chess training will arm you with game-winning ideas so that, when the opportunity arrives, you’re ready.
Here’s a taster of what you can expect:
Sneaky ways to get at an enemy King tucked away in the corner.
How to march your pawns to promotion by distracting your opponent with an attack.
Why putting your pieces en prise deliberately can be a very powerful resource – most club players never even consider this.
Ways to setup traps involving your pieces being ‘pinned’ before breaking away and gaining material.
Click here just before noon EST on Saturday to join the webinar.
If you’re serious about getting better at chess but don’t have much time to spend on study, our weekly webinars will give you the best return for your time. Real insights, real improvement, every week. And they’re free!