Attack with Confidence Using these Themes! – GM Roman Dzindzichashvili

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In the video “Improve Your Combinational & Tactical Skills – Part 1″ by GM Roman Dzindzichashvili, we learn about the importance of intuition when searching for combinations on the board.

If we have practiced and trained ourselves well with regards to tactics, then our intuition will usually help us find the correct moves on the board. Roman also speaks about the most efficient ways of checkmating using forced moves.

After intuition and forced moves are discussed, we are then shown the idea of the mating net. This is when we are attacking the opponent’s king and it has no squares available to move to. Following this is the idea of critical squares that can be used on the board and how we can take advantage of them. All of these concepts are shown with accompanying positions.

How can we improve our combinational and tactical skills using all of these concepts? What themes will help us to attack more effectively? Watch the video to find out!

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