♕ DVD: http://www.iChess.net/shop/master-middlegame-gm-damian-lemos/
♕ 10 GM SECRETS: http://www.iChess.net/10gmsecrets/
♕ MORE: http://www.iChess.net/2014/08/04/french-defense-advance-variation/
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This DVD has emphasis on the ‘Middle game’ looking at ideas and concepts based around Pawn Structure, Bishop Pair, King’s Pawn Cover and many more elements. The opening is also considered on the lead in to the resulting middle games.
In this long exclusive excerpt of the ‘Middle game’ DVD from ‘The Club Player’s Manifesto’ By GM Damian Lemos we see the Grandmaster clearly explain the following points from the game Nimzowitsch-Salwe:
1. Advantages of playing The French Advance Variation
2. White keeps their Pawn Chain solid – black nibbles away at it
3. The Bd3 Gambit explained
4. Gaining space on the Queenside with …b4 (after dxc5 Bxc5)
5. Gaining Activity against Black’s Center is useful for White
6. Fixed Central Pawns become easy targets for attack
7. Third Rank Attack from Rooks can be lethal contributions to the attack
8. Outside Passed Pawns enable easy victories
Interface used ICC: http://www.chessclub.com/from/WStewart/