Korchnoi CRUSHED 👾 with the King’s Indian Defense! – Korchnoi vs Simon Williams

Want to run through your rivals with sharp, incisive play built on relentless initiative? GingerGM Simon William’s shows you how in “Crash Test Chess: Using the Initiative”! Get instant digital access – with 35% off! ► https://ichs.co/2zJJbTl

Viktor Korchnoi is famous for his incredible resourcefulness in defense which means when he gets torn apart in under 30 moves as WHITE, we should sit up and take notice.

His opponent in this incredible game is “GingerGM” Simon Williams of England. Simon’s weapon of choice: the King’s Indian Defense, a favorite of both Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov.
We get the typical blocked center of the King’s Indian Defense with White pawns on e4 and d5 holding back the Black d6 and e5 pawns. Simon Williams slows White’s queenside play down by putting a pawn on a5 and knights on a6 and c5.

Despite his space advantage, Viktor Korchnoi has to make some awkward moves to coordinate his pieces and Simon Williams strikes out with …f5! This is a typical idea for Black in the King’s Indian Defense and everything seems normal after a series of exchanges opening both the e and f-files.

But, crucially, the GingerGM has conjured up great diagonals for his bishops, which now rake across the board. And he can bring his major pieces to dominate the open files quicker too.

Simon Williams plays an instructive maneuver to bring a knight and bishop closer to Viktor Korchnoi’s king and it becomes clear that White’s pieces are badly placed, unable to defend easily.
When the Black queen jumps into the battlefield, White really wants to exchange queens, trade a few pawns and rearrange his pieces to defend the chess endgame.

But GingerGM Simon Williams has no intention of letting the game go on that long! Queens cannot be traded without White losing a piece! Viktor Korchnoi tries to create breathing space for his king but has to resign 2 moves later after a couple of nice, quiet moves.

Not only is this a fantastic, attacking game, it is full of typical maneuvers and attacking ideas you can use when you play the King’s Indian Defense.

â–ş Corresponding article from this video with extra goodies: https://ichs.co/2zIGdyv

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