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Perelshteyn opened with 1. d4 and Onischuk responded with the 1. …f5 – the Dutch Defense, one of the most complicated and double-edged openings ever played. The psychology behind the choice was interesting, as Perelshteyn explained that the higher-rated Onischuk was definitely playing for a win with the black pieces to try to get ahead on points at the crowded 38th World Open. Perelshteyn employed a very aggressive set-up with the white pieces involving a rapid 4. Bg5 and 5. Qc2 – targeting black´s kingside immediately. After 6. 0-0-0 it was clear that white was ready for a fight, and with 7. Nh3 was maneuvering his knight to f4 where it would target the weak e6 square. Onischuk tried to stop white from playing Nh4 with 7. …e5, however after 8. dxe5 black had to respond with 8. …Nxe5 because the pawn recapture with 8. …dxe5 would have run into 9. e4! by white – blasting open the center and exploiting white´s big lead in development. The position after 8. …Nxe5 was dangerous for black because he was very behind in development and his king was still stuck in the center. White continued building the pressure and by 13. c5 – black still had not found the time to castle and tuck his king way. This led to a devastating chess tactic after 13. …d5 14. Ncxd5! – white sacrifices a piece for one pawn to open lines against black´s exposed king. After the forced sequence 14. …cxd5 15. Bb5+ Kf8 16. Rxd5 – white´s attack is in full swing and black is being completely controlled by white´s forcing moves. With 18. Bd7 white strong exploits the weakness of black´s e6 square, leading to a forced combination where white wins back his sacrificed piece and emerges with an extra pawn and decisive pressure. After the incredibly powerful quiet move 24. Rc7, black resigned! GM Onischuk realized there was no defense against white´s straightforward threat of d7 and Rc8. This was quite a strong attacking game by GM Eugene Perelshteyn, knocking out a very strong grandmaster in only 24 moves!!