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2011 World Championship Candidates Tournament, Quarterfinals Match — Game 2: GM Veselin Topalov (Bulgaria, 2775) Vs GM Gata Kamsky (USA, 2732). Topalov leads with d4, which Kamsky answers with the Grunfeld. Topalov employs a strange sideline variation 5. Qb3, 8. Qa3, and 9. 0-0-0. Kamsky takes his time to logically develop his pieces, making white’s strategy look very ineffective. As black mobilizes and organizes his pieces without creating a single weakness in his position, white is unable to break in the center nor achieve counterplay on the h-file, while his queen is abandoned out of play on a3 and his king is lonely without adequate defense on c1. Kamsky capitalizes on all of these factors to create a crushing attack. A fantastic game by Kamsky, creeping all over the board until his position is simply too overwhelming.
CORRESPONDING ARTICLE WITH INTERACTIVE BOARD, TOURNAMENT ANALYSIS, OTHER GAMES AND MORE: http://www.iChess.net/2011/05/12/2011-world-championship-candidates-tournament-quarterfinals/
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