Karpov on Kasparov 👑 1984 World Chess Championship

Who better to analyse Garry Kasparov’s World Championship games than his opponent and eternal rival, Anatoly Karpov? 🤔 Get instant access to Karpov’s astounding analysis of his matches against Kasparov, with 35% off. â–ºhttps://ichs.co/2C5sLag

When Garry Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov started their 1984-85 World Chess Championship match, little did they know the controversy that would surround it.

Karpov started well, and Kasparov was down 4–0 after the first 9 games. The championship would be a “first to six wins” match. With the score so one-sided, some predicted that Kasparov would lose 6–0 within 18 games!

Garry Kasparov is made of stronger stuff, however, and fought hard. They drew seventeen games in a row before Kasparov lost another, but yet again he fought back with another series of draws until game 32 when he picked up his first win against the World Champion. More draws followed – another 14, in fact, setting a new record for the most games played in a World Championship match.
With the score 5–3 to Karpov, the match was suddenly halted by FIDE President Florencio Campomanes, becoming the first and only World Championship Match to end without a decisive resuly. Both players said they wanted the match to continue, but Campomanes cited the health of the players, saying the players had been under strain due to the length of the match.

Eventually Karpov and Kasparov would restart the match in 1985 and Kasparov would become the youngest World Chess Champion at 22 years of age.

In this video, Karpov, along with Ron Henley, take a look at game 3 of the 1984/85 match. Kasparov surprised Karpov by responding to 1. e4 with the Paulsen Variation of the Sicilian Defense. Karpov naturally leapt on the chance to achieve a bind on the center with 5. Nb5 and 6. c4. Kasparov continued with some home preparation involving 10. …b6, 11. …Bb7, and 12. …Na5!? – creating immediate complications and trying to push Karpov off balance very early in the opening.

Kasparov continued with an interesting pawn sacrifice on 16. …d5?! – however Karpov emerged from the complications with a clear advantage and extra pawn on the queenside. Initially it appeared the Kasparov’s strong activity would compensate for the pawn minus and give him good drawing chances, however Karpov’s energetic plan and response made it very clear that Kasparov would face a very difficult defense. Karpov introduced some excellent back-rank tactics to push harder on Kasparov’s already shaky defense, as well as taking advantage of the Kasparov’s misplaced Nb7.

This game must have come as quite a shock to Kasparov, as Karpov first overcame his home preparation and then defeated Kasparov in his strength – tactical complications!

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