Hit Hard with IM Valeri Lilov’s Secrets of Attacking Play! (Webinar Replay)

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If you’ve ever got a really good position but not been able to find a breakthrough then this week’s webinar is going to help you out.

On Saturday 4 June, International Master Valeri Lilov presents a 1 hour webinar on attacking play – free and exclusive to iChess followers.

Click here just before noon EST, Saturday 4 June to join. (You might want to bookmark the link and set a reminder).

What do masters do when their opponents seem to have everything protected? Is there a way to take advantage of your rival’s passive position? There is and you will learn this and much more in this live lesson.

The art of attack in chess involves many skills and making threats is only one of them, the most basic at that.

IM Lilov is going to show you how top GMs conjure up irresistible attacks, how they force their opponents to crack under pressure and how they convert tension into a different, winning advantage.

You’ll learn:

The pawn moves Tal used to rip open Bobby Fischer’s King’s Indian Defense.
Why in-between moves are crucial in sharp positions – and how to spot them.
Anand’s technique of switching flanks that floored Anatoly Karpov.
Emanuel Lasker’s infamous double-Bishop sacrifice.
How Garry Kasparov evaluates line-opening sacrifices (essential knowledge if you like checkmating attacks!)
If you want your attacks to pack more punch, and to enjoy the feeling of winning more games with aggressive combinations, make sure you join IM Lilov on Saturday. You’ll feel the difference in your very next game.

Whether you spend every spare minute on chess or only have 1 hour a week to devote to study, joining IM Lilov for this free lesson will reward you greatly.

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