The Alapin (c3) ⎸Sicilian Defense Theory

The Alapin Sicilian is one of the best “anti-Sicilians”. It’s a great way to avoid the main line open Sicilians and it doesn’t give away much of white’s opening edge.

For the basics of the Sicilian Defense, main variations and opening ideas watch this introductory video:

The theory of the Accelerated Dragon:

The c3 Sicilian occurs after the opening moves:

1.e4 c5
2.c3 – with this move white is preparing to support the d4 thrust and to form a strong center if black allows it. On the other hand, white has taken away the natural developing square from the knight with that move, as well as slowed his development by not moving a piece. To the move c3, black has 2 main responses:
4. d4
4. Nf3
2…d5 3. exd5 Qxd5 (Barmen Defense)

There are many strong players who employed the Alapin Variation. Some of the greatest are Evgeny Sveshnikov, Eduardas Rozentalis, Sergei Tiviakov, Duško Pavasovič. You should study their games over the board to improve your understanding of the opening.

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