TRICKIEST 1680-Rated Chess Puzzle That NO ONE Could Solve! 😱

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🔹 Best Chess Puzzle Ever? | Solve This If YOU Can! –

In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov challenges you with a simple chess puzzle that NO ONE could solve! The puzzle rating is just 1680, so it is an average chess puzzle that any intermediate or advanced player should be able to solve.

But the pass rate (solve rate) of the puzzle is 0% – yes, not a single chess player could solve this puzzle despite having made more than 11K attempts.

Can you solve this trickiest chess puzzle that no one could solve? Good luck! 😎

â–º Chapters

00:00 Chess puzzle NO one could SOLVE
00:42 White to play and win
01:53 Race to pawn promotion
03:40 a8=Q+…. Oops
04:35 That’s how you win
05:03 Recap
05:54 Can you find the best move?

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