Mikhail Tal had a bad score against Soviet GM Lev Polugaevsky! During his career he only managed to beat him twice with a huge 20 year interval! In this video I am covering his second victorious game!
Lev Polugaevsky (2625) vs Mikhail Tal (2615)
Riga Interzonal (1979), Riga URS, rd 2, Sep-06
English Opening: Symmetrical. Three Knights Variation (A34)
1. Nf3 c5 2. c4 Nf6 3. Nc3 d5 4. cxd5 Nxd5 5. e4 Nb4 6. Bc4
Be6 7. Bxe6 Nd3+ 8. Kf1 fxe6 9. Ng5 Qb6 10. Qe2 c4 11. b3 h6
12. Nf3 Nc6 13. bxc4 O-O-O 14. g3 g5 15. Kg2 Qc5 16. Rb1 Bg7
17. Nb5 Qxc4 18. Qe3 Rhf8 19. Rf1 g4 20. Nh4 Nxf2 21. Ng6 Rd3
22. Na3 Qa4 23. Qe1 Rdf3 24. Nxf8 Nd3 25. Qd1 Qxe4 26. Rxf3
gxf3+ 27. Kf1 Qf5 28. Kg1 Bd4+
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