♕How to analyze your games (FREE course): https://goo.gl/aw3HVK
♕ Chess Training Plan for Rapid Improvement: rel=”nofollow”>http://chess-teacher.com/chess-training-mini-course/
♕ Secrets of Strong Chess Players: http://www.chess-teacher.cf/secrets-mini-course/
♕ Chess Courses and videos: http://chess-teacher.com/shop/
Recently “ChessMate” (which is the biggest paper chess magazine in India) published my new lesson “How to Prevent Blunders”.
If you live in India — check out the September and November issues of “Chess Mate”.
At the same time I want that ALL the students can learn this important lesson. So I’ve just recorded a video about the same topic for you. Check it out!
A blunder is the main reason of a loss in amateur games. Eliminate blunders from your games and you’ll become a much STRONGER player with STABLE positive results!
Subscribe for the channel to be notified about the 2nd part of this lesson.