That Deadly Rook on the Seventh Rank!

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Rook Endings are one of the most common and most important endings in chess. Though being very common, they are so hard to play – it’s very difficult to find the right moves or the right plan to maneuver your rook(s) when there is very little time left on the clock.

Usually, in a chess game, the rooks are kept reserved during the opening and the middlegame stages. Mostly, it would make a couple of makes, one for castling and the other for putting it on the right file, preparing for it to open up. Also, they are not traded off in the earlier stage of the game as opposed to the minor pieces. That’s why, rook endgames are one of the most common, frequently occurring endgames compared to the others.

I’m sure you would be aware of the term ‘rook on the 7th rank’ and how POWERFUL such rooks are. Why having a rook (sometimes, a pair of rooks is even more powerful) on the 7th rank is such a huge asset? Why and how can it make a huge difference in a rook ending? That’s exactly what Manuel Ocantos explains in this video lesson.

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