Stockfish’s Nimzo-Indian needs NO LUCK

Featured is an instructive chess game between chess engines Clover and Stockfish. The opening is a Nimzo-Indian Defense, Classical. All 3 phases contain an important lesson. In the opening, Stockfish’s Qb6 resolves the pawn tension and closes the queenside. In the middlegame, Stockfish captures Clover’s bad bishop with a knight instead of maneuvering to the outpost d4. This decision brings us into an opposite colored bishop ending where Stockfish is able to break with e4. The endgame draws our attention to the restricted state Clover is in, as well as the star light-squared bishop that fulfills the role of both blockader of a passed pawn and defender of a passed pawn. All Clover can do is shuffle, while Stockfish goes for a walk! Engine info: Clover 5.0 64-bit is rated 3412, and Stockfish 15.1 64-bit is rated 3515.

I’m a self-taught National Master in chess out of Pennsylvania, USA who was introduced to the game by my father in 1988 at the age of 8. The purpose of this channel is to share my knowledge of chess to help others improve their game. I enjoy continuing to improve my understanding of this great game, albeit slowly. Consider subscribing here on YouTube for frequent content, and/or connecting via any or all the below social medias. Your support is greatly appreciated. Take care, bye. 🙂

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1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. Qc2 O-O 5. a3 Bxc3+ 6. Qxc3 b6 7. Bg5 Bb7 8. f3 d6 9. e4 h6 10. Bh4 c5 11. dxc5 bxc5 12. Rd1 e5 13. Bf2 Qb6 14. b4 Nc6 15. Rb1 a5 16. b5 Nh5 17. Bd3 Nd4 18. Ne2 Nxe2 19. Kxe2 Nf4+ 20. Kf1 Qd8 21. Bg3 Nxd3 22. Qxd3 f5 23. exf5 Qg5 24. Kf2 Rxf5 25. Rhd1 e4 26. Qe3 exf3 27. Qxg5 hxg5 28. Kg1 fxg2 29. a4 Raf8 30. Bxd6 R8f7 31. Re1 Kh7 32. b6 Kh6 33. Rbd1 Kh5 34. Ra1 Rf3 35. Bxc5 g4 36. Be7 g5 37. c5 g3 38. Bd6 gxh2+ 39. Bxh2

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