Bird Opening: Ideas, Structures, Principles, Theory, Transpositions · Chess Openings

The Bird Opening is aggressive, rare, and tough to play against. A Sharp weapon for your white repertoire!
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The Bird can go three different ways, depending on what Black chooses to do. Regardless of what they do, though, we will still be able to choose the nature of the position and have a setup we Know and enjoy.

The First and most aggressive defense to the Bird is 1…e5, the From gambit. It’s tough to play against, and Black scores very well simply because a single mistake by white means the end of the game is near. If you Know how to fight it, white is always better!

The second option is a Dutch Defense in reverse. If Black plays d5, it’s a Dutch a tempo up! Thirdly, Black can choose to play one of the rare moves, most common of which is 1…c5, playing for a Sicilian type setup.

The most important thing you have to decide is what type of Dutch you want to play. There are three main setups; Classical, Leningrad and Stonewall. I would recommend that you choose one and play it against everything Black does!

Openings and variations you should know if you play the Bird Opening (they transpose or you get them with colors reversed):

Classical Dutch:
Stonewall Dutch:
Leningrad Dutch:
Grand Prix Attack:

0:00 Introduction, Ideas, Basics, Structures
12:35 From Gambit
24:23 Reversed Dutch
32:28 Sicilian invitation, 1…c5
34:23 Rare moves for Black

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