If you want to test yourself in the Stafford Gambit and need a sparring partner, try playing against Noctie here https://app.noctie.ai/?aff=q9yKD
Noctie is a human-like AI that will try to trick you just like a real human would. Use the code “HANGINGPAWNS” to get a 64% discount.
My Stafford Gambit theme: https://app.noctie.ai/themes/cc8a224f-1087-402e-a37e-75f0b0875d9a/?aff=q9yKD
The Stafford Gambit is an unsound opening. If you’re playing an engine, you will lose every time. It’s almost +2 for white as soon as you enter it. But. It’s so sharp, aggressive, and tricky to defend against, that the evaluation means very little if white isn’t prepared.
Gambits covered so far:
Latvian Gambit: https://youtu.be/169TljBWDCM
Halloween Gambit: https://youtu.be/FU8gegkzMLk
von Hennig Gambit: https://youtu.be/LcrKZwejRmM
Elephant Gambit: https://youtu.be/tCgOgzJve0k
Chicago Gambit: https://youtu.be/nW-KnVRN7Zc
Jerome Gambit: https://youtu.be/Y4cY6Hi1o6Q
Danish Gambit: https://youtu.be/Q-2D6ulmIdg
Alien Gambit: https://youtu.be/JaSEq5Mq2lk
Schara Gambit: https://youtu.be/7UAOxsuAWak
Ulysses Gambit: https://youtu.be/jN96iisEZoM
Greco Gambit: https://youtu.be/EH_3Op2fv2s