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📥 Download the PGN of this opening from this blog-post – https://bit.ly/3F0d0yh
🔹 The BEST Chess Opening for Black Against 1.e4 – https://youtu.be/kr7xTiilRwc
In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov will share with you an universal opening setup for Black against the White’s first move 1.e4. You can play 1…d5 which is the Scandinavian Defense, and after the natural follow-up of 2.Nc3 Qa5, you can play the simple and actionable setup that he will show you.
You don’t need to memorize tons of variations. You just have to understand this setup and execute it over and over again. So what is the setup you should play? You are going to develop your pieces to the most forward, most natural available squares.
â–º Chapters
00:00 Universal opening setup for Black against 1.e4
00:32 What is the setup? Move your pieces forward
01:30 Line-1: Deadly kingside attack
02:10 Delay the development of b8-knight
02:53 Try to trap your opponent
04:42 Tactical combination you should know!
04:58 Line-2: 4.d4
07:08 Black’s immense pressure over White
08:19 Your opponents might miscalculateÂ
09:15 Turn your chess passion into PROFIT
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#GMSmirnov #ChessOpenings #ScandinavianDefense