GM Ron W. Henley is back with 5 hours of training on the London System!
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GM Ron Henley is a walking, talking, Encyclopedia of Chess Openings.
The guy has probably forgotten more than most GMs ever know.
Anatoly Karpov chose Ron as his openings analyst for his World Championship matches, and even GM Damian Lemos has been lucky enough to get Ron’s advice over the years too.
But he’s much more than a machine spitting out 20-move variations and a +0.21 evaluation at the end of it.
Ron is a proper coach… explaining ideas so you really get what you’re doing and why. What works and what doesn’t.
And now he’s back with his latest Henley Files course – 5 hours of training on the London System! This video is an exclusive free preview.
Played by Capablanca, Carlsen, and countless champions in-between, the London System (where White aims for this kind of setup – diagram), is as powerful as it is flexible.
If you want to add the London System to your repertoire, this is the perfect place to start.
You’ll learn how to attack Black’s different formations, all the move-order tricks, opening traps, typical tactics, and more.
Learn the London System with GM Ron Henley!
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