Karpov vs Tal: a Rare Clash of World Champions!

💡 Study the complete chess course “Karpov’s Positional Style Revealed” – https://bit.ly/2JrDNI9
📥 Download the PGN of this game from this blog-post – https://bit.ly/39ljJlj

In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov analyzes a great clash between two legendary chess champions, Anatoly Karpov and Mikhail Tal. What makes this game really interesting is that these two players had contradicting styles of play –while Karpov was a master of positional play, Tal is known as one of the greatest masters of attack and aggressive style of play.

And one of the common patterns of Karpov is that he always tries to foresee his opponent’s attacking opportunities and prevent them before they even happened, which allowed him to be super-consistent; he seldom loses because of this.

After watching the following video lesson, you will learn how Karpov managed to combine the style of playing ‘safe’ while, at the same time, playing aggressively, which is an ideal style of playing as you maximize the chances of winning and minimize the chances of losing.

💡 Study the complete chess course “Karpov’s Positional Style Revealed” – https://bit.ly/2JrDNI9

♕ How to succeed in chess? (FREE e-book): http://bit.ly/2Zlp0FI
♕ How to analyze your games (FREE course): http://bit.ly/2Djz1tB
♕ 7 Best Chess Opening Traps (FREE course): https://goo.gl/GCCK4d
♕ Quick Success in Chess (FREE course): https://goo.gl/45Anbi
♕ Chess Training Plan for Rapid Improvement (FREE course): https://goo.gl/P68HZ6
♕ Chess Opening Fundamentals (FREE e-book): https://goo.gl/dj98ef
♕ Chess Courses and videos: https://goo.gl/WCPMGp

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