NM Spencer Finegold discusses two games of Boris Gulko as part of the Great Players of the Past series. This lecture was recorded August 13, 2019 at the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Atlanta (CCSCATL) in Roswell, Georgia.
Games discussed:
Kasparov, Garry vs. Gulko, Boris
12th Soviet Team Cup (1982)
Gulko, Boris vs. Lein, Anatoly
Soviet Union (1970)
For more of NM Spencer Finegold, see other videos on the CCSCATL channel or see Spencer’s personal YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaXJXfATRgLxOXQXnOSmUsA
GM Ben Finegold’s personal Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/benfinegold2600
Please consider a donation at: https://atlchessclub.com/donate/
Intro and concluding music: “Da Jazz Blues,” by Doug Maxwell; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Mopxtd1dZM Thank you Doug!