A very interesting training game in which I had a chance to play a beautiful tactical finish! Skip over to 30:30 if you want to try and calculate immediately.
As you may know, I am trying to reach 2100 on lichess classical by the end of the month. So far it hasn’t been going too well. I seem to be losing games just as often as winning. And almost always it’s because of my inability to play well in positions which are complicated and tactical.
In today’s game I had an overwhelming advantage (more than -11…), but I failed to convert because I missed a beautiful tactical finish. Even before that, I played the winning move one move too late when it was no longer good. So tactics are what lost this game.
That means that I have a lot more tactics to solve before I can make progress! So back to tactical training! I will try to solve at least 20 tactics on lichess, 20 on chesstempo, and 20 from books every day before my upcoming tournament starts!
Here is the game:
1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. a4 Bf5 4. Bd2 e6 5. Ne5 Nbd7 6. e3 Bd6 7. f4 Ne4 8. g3 h5 9. Be2 Ndf6 10. Nc3 Nxc3 11. bxc3 Ne4 12. Bxh5 Bxe5 13. fxe5 g6 14. Bf3 Qg5 15. Qe2 c6 16. O-O-O Qe7 17. g4 Qa3+ 18. Kb1 Nxd2+ 19. Qxd2 Be4 20. Bxe4 dxe4 21. Rdf1 Rh7 22. h4 O-O-O 23. h5 g5 24. Rf6 Qxa4 25. Rhf1 Rd5 26. c4 Ra5 27. Qc3 Qa2+ 28. Kc1 Ra3 29. Qb2 Qxb2+ 30. Kxb2 Rxe3 31. Rxf7 Rxf7 32. Rxf7 Rg3 33. Kc1 Rxg4 34. h6 Rh4 35. h7 Rh2 36. Rf8+ 1-0
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