What A Tragedy! Resigned In An Absolutely Winning Position

In this video I am analyzing a very dramatic game, where Russian GM Vyacheslav Ikonnikov goes for a queen sacrifice, the psychological effect of which puts such a pressure on FM Reiner Odendahl that he resigns without realizing that the one who is winning is he, and that the queen sacrifice is actually a blunder! Believe me losing is hard, but resigning in a winning position is a tragedy!
Reiner Odendahl (2352) vs Vyacheslav Ikonnikov (2499)
Dutch Open Championship 2019 round 06
A30 English Opening: Symmetrical Variation
1. c4 c5 2. g3 g6 3. Bg2 Bg7 4. Nf3 Nc6 5. O-O d6 6. Nc3 e6 7. d3 Nge7 8. Rb1 O-O 9. Bd2 b6 10. a3 Bb7 11. b4 Qd7 12. Qa4 h6 13. Rfc1 g5 14. e3 Rfd8 15. h4 g4 16. Ne1 Ng6 17. Qd1 f5 18. Qe2 Rf8 19. Qf1 Rac8 20. Nb5 Ba8 21. Bc3 e5 22. bxc5 dxc5 23. Ba1 f4 24. Bd5+ Kh8 25. Qe2 f3 26. Qc2 Nge7 27. Be4 Nf5 28. Bxf5 Rxf5 29. Nc3 Rf7 30. Ne4 Ne7 31. Rd1 Nf5 32. Qb3 Rcf8 33. Nc2 Nxh4 34. gxh4 g3 35. Nxg3 Qh3 36. Ne1 Qxg3+
Video Thumbnail Credits: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Vyacheslav_Ikonnikov_2012.jpg
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