Develop First. Attack Later. | Patron Training Game Analysis

Dual commentary between Oisin and I. We go over the training game in the Closed Sicilian we played yesterday.

Here is the link to the game;

Here is Oisin’s profile on Lichess:

This was our first training game. We are going to play one each month, and, hopefully, Oisin is going to benefit from our analysis and our games.

Oisin and I had a lesson a few weeks ago in which we were working on his repertoire. One of his biggest weaknesses was playing against the Closed Sicilian (Nc3). During the lesson, we concluded that 2…a6 was the trickiest move for white to face and that Oisin should be looking into that and prepare it.

So, naturally, when we arranged our training game, I could expect a6 against 2. Nc3. I found a rare continuation for white which has never been played in master games: d4!

The move makes no sense at all at first, but it’s not that bad. It allows black to equalize, but gives white several advantages. The queen ends up on e3, supporting e5 and stopping the annoying Qb6 move which comes often in similar positions.

Oisin did not know the position so he continued with the setup he usually plays, g6, Bg7. Soon after he got aggressive and started expanded on the QS. It didn’t go well. Undeveloped and attacking is not a smart way to play with black in a position you don’t know.

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