In this video I am analyzing a brilliant and a very complex chess puzzle composed by Armenian chess composer Genrikh Kasparyan!
At first glance it seems like Black is winning because of his far advanced a-pawns. Closer examination though reveals that White’s Rook is able to control the pawn on a2, but still everything is not so clear! Especially if we have a look at the King and Knight placed on the h-file, a question arises whether they can somehow be useful or not! Luckly it turns out that soon they will also join the party thus allowing White to win the battle! With a rook sacrifice White is “imprisoning” Black king on a1-square and once White king comes near, White is announcing a checkmate with two knights! In the end of the video as usual you can solve the daily puzzle!
Genrikh Kasparyan, Chess In The USSR, 1936-03
White is winning
This position in Forsyth-Edwards Notation (FEN) is: 8/1p6/8/3R3N/2k4K/p7/p7/1N6 w – – 0 1
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