Sämisch Variation of the King’s Indian Defense

The Sämisch is probably the most feared variation among King’s Indian players!

For an introduction to the KID, watch this video on the basics: https://youtu.be/mND6TK5dSKQ

I have to admit that I am biased when it comes to positions in which white has pawns on e4 and c4, especially supported with f3. I find them easy and fun to play, and hard for black to react to. The Sämisch is very often like that! White either has a Maroczy bind setup, or a closed central structure with a pawn chain d5-g2 which is hard for black to deal with.

That makes the f3 King’s Indian a variation I enjoy and would choose as a natural weapon. I play positions like these against the Pirc, the Modern and the Sicilian, and these are not very different. White is flexible, and doesn’t have to commit to an attack, but can if he wishes to. Black, on the other hand, doesn’t have such an easy time. Black often has less space and less active pieces. For that, he gets a lead in development which often becomes irrelevant.

White aims for a an aggressive game, but leaves his options open. The move f3 enables white to develop the bishop to e3, which is its most natural square. It also supports the center by directly defending e4. That also means that white can play g4 easily, thus starting a kingside attack, and it also puts the breaks on black’s f5 push, which isn’t as powerful with the strong pawn chain.

The downside for white is that black is the one who chooses which variation is going to be played. Black has a ton of options. There are main lines, but there are many sidelines which could be used as surprise weapons. That means that if you want to play the Sämisch successfully, you have to know your theory!

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