Four Pawns Attack | King’s Indian Defense Theory

The Four Pawns Attack is the most aggressive (and the most risky) way for white to fight the King’s Indian.

For an introduction to the KID, watch this video on the basics:

For those of you who hate being pressured by black when you face the King’s Indian, and who hate having to defend, the Four Pawns may be the solution. In this variation, white tries to turn things around and be the one attacking and going for the initiative!

As opposed to most other variations white plays against the KID, the Four Pawns Attack isn’t an attempt at getting a solid position with long term positional advantages which are going to be important when the storm passes (black’s inevitable kingside attack). Instead of that, white plays actively, aggressively, neglects long term strategic consequences, and pushes f4!

With this aggressive pawn advance, white now has a very formidable central pawn formation, and he controls almost the entire fifth rank! It’s similar to the Austrian Attack in the Pirc, or the Three Pawns Attack in the Modern defense. White overextends, trying to exert central control. But that comes at a cost. White is neglecting his development and is still far from castling. Black, on the other hand, is already castled on move 5 in most cases!

That means that white is going to try to justify his play by creating immediate chances, and trying to utilize his spacial advantage and superior central control. Black, on the other hand, mustn’t lose time either. If black is not careful, he could be overrun by white’s central pawn majority, and his development won’t mean a thing!

Black must meet the Four Pawns in a modern fashion. Maneuvering around them and then striking at them at the right moment! Trying to undermine white’s structure by either e5 or c5, and using his minor pieces to fight for the center.

All in all, it’s a playable and fun variation, but it definitely is much riskier than the Classical or the Saemisch KID. The good thing is that the side who knows it best win, so if you decide to play it, prepare well and you will probably have a superior position out of the opening!

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