Don’t Give Up too Early in Chess!!

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Have you ever played a chess game where you resigned, and then when analysing with your opponent you find out that you had a draw or even a win? How painful was it for you? How frustrated were you when you knew that you resigned a game which you hardly could have lost? You need not be too hard on yourself for this, because this happens even for top grandmasters and some of the best chess players in the world!

In this video lesson, you will learn about this with the help of some examples – games from Vladimir Kramnik, Peter Svidler, Garry Kasparov vs Deep Blue, Anish Giri.

Analyze your games where you resigned prematurely and to find the reasons that cause that. DO NOT RESIGN TOO EARLY if you don’t see a CLEAR and EASY win for your opponent, no matter how strong your opponent is or how confident he looks from the outside (his body language) looks like. Respecting your opponent too much could be harmful.

♕ How to succeed in chess? (FREE e-book):
♕ How to analyze your games (FREE course):
♕ 7 Best Chess Opening Traps (FREE course):
♕ Quick Success in Chess (FREE course):
♕ Chess Training Plan for Rapid Improvement (FREE course):
♕ Chess Opening Fundamentals (FREE e-book):
♕ Chess Courses and videos:

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