How To Checkmate 🎓Chess for Absolute Beginners – GM Damian Lemos

Are you a chess beginner and getting overwhelmed at all there is to learn? 🤔 Don’t panic! GM Lemos new Absolute Beginner Chess Course is a comprehensive chess foundational program for players unrated up to around 1500 Elo. Get instant access with 50% off. â–º

If you’re a complete beginner at chess, it might seem very simple at first – but once you go deeper and deeper you may start to feel overwhelmed with all the knowledge and concepts you need to learn and master.

The point of the game is to checkmate your opponent. Easy, right? Well, how exactly do we checkmate our opponent? How do we coordinate our pieces to work together in order to deliver that final winning blow?

In this video, GM Damian Lemos covers some of the basic checkmate patterns you need to know in order to start being successful at chess. You’ll learn how to control the board, cut off the king and set-up a mating net.

This video is an exclusive preview of GM Damian Lemos new Absolute Beginners Chess Course. The 7-hour course is a comprehensive chess foundational program for unrated beginners to around 1500 Elo. It’s full of practical information and evergreen principles that are certain to improve your game and help you shed that ‘beginner’ tag.

If you want to really understand chess concepts and start outplaying your opponents easily, this course is for you.

In this chapter, you’ll learn how to checkmate with a King and two rooks vs King, King and Rook vs King, King and Queen vs King, and King and two bishops vs King – endgames you’ll likely find yourself in regularly. There’s no point being a queen to the good, or with two more rooks than your opponent if you don’t know how to convert that advantage into a win!

You’ll also see how to avoid stalemate – a position where your opponent has no legal moves remaining. Such a situation is a drawn game – something you want to be careful not to fall into! You want the full point for a win.

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