Attacking Chess Masterpieces ⚔ GM Romain Edouard (Master Method)

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Who doesn’t like an attacking chess masterpiece? We get excited when we see a devastating attack hit home, perhaps with a piece sacrifice along the way.

These attacks don’t just happen by throwing pieces up the board and hoping for the best. Super GM Romain Edouard explains that most of the best attacking games in history were won by optimizing the position of all the pieces, putting them on their best squares, before launching an attack in the first place.

This video is an exclusive preview of Romain’s Master Method: DNA of a Chess Champion, an intensive 14-hour training program that will teach you both the advanced chess techniques and psychological strength you need to dominate in chess competitions.

Romain puts his chess success down to the continuous development of a particular set of skills, some learnt by analyzing the very finest examples of grandmaster play and others honed on the battlefield of pro-level competitive chess.

In this preview, Romain uses this approach of learning from grandmaster play by examining some of the best attacking chess masterpieces from history, and showing us the lessons we can take from these beautiful games to ensure our own attacks are successful and don’t run out of steam half way, leaving us with a poor position and unable to stop our opponent winning.

By examining these games, we get to see practical examples of why, for example, we should not bring our queen out too early. Often the opponent can develop their pieces with a threat that forces the queen to be moved again – losing tempo.

You’ll also learn that it is important to be patient. Don’t rush! Take the time to prepare your attacks. Sometimes an attacking move can be easily repelled, so take time to set them up to ensure they have the maximum impact.

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