#agadmator Check out Botvinnik vs Capablanca AVRO 1938 here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6DNg9_RnoA
Buy Tal vs Botvinnik book here target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow”>https://www.amazon.com/shop/agadmatorschesschannel
Check out all the games from this match here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGlP886yZDg&list=PLDnx7w_xuguE1eCcqzUHAHWHdBkK_843T
Check out the 1959. Candidates tournament here (Highly recommended) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxVr7nN7EzQ&list=PLDnx7w_xuguEC1OzaJGKtLGPJ5u91tX-T
Mikhail Botvinnik vs Mikhail Tal
Tal – Botvinnik World Championship Match (1960), Moscow URS, rd 12, Apr-12
Tarrasch Defense: Symmetrical Variation (D32)
1. c4 Nf6 2. d4 e6 3. Nf3 d5 4. Nc3 c5 5. e3 Nc6 6. a3 Bd6 7. dc5 Bc5 8. b4 Bd6 9. Bb2 O-O 10. cd5 ed5 11. Nb5 Bb8 12. Be2 a5 13. ba5 Na5 14. O-O Ra6 15. Be5 Be5 16. Ne5 Re8 17. Nd3 Ne4 18. Nf4 Re5 19. Rc1 Rh6 20. Nd4 Nc6 21. g3 g5 22. Nd3 Re8 23. Bg4 Bg4 24. Qg4 Nd4 25. ed4 Qf6 26. Ne5 Nd2 27. Rfd1 Re5 28. Rd2 Re4 29. Qc8 Kg7 30. Qb7 Qe6 31. Rf1 Re1 32. Qb5 Qh3 33. f3 Qe6 34. Rf2 Rf6 35. Re1 Qe1 36. Kg2 g4 37. Qd3 h5 38. Rf1 Qe6 39. fg4 Rf1 40. Kf1 hg4 41. a4 Qb6 42. Kf2 Qb4 43. Ke3 Qa4 44. Kf4 Qa2 45. Qe3 Qh2 46. Qe5 Kf8 47. Qd6 Kg7 48. Qd5 Qf2 49. Kg4 f5 50. Kg5 Qg3 51. Kf5 Qg6 52. Kf4 Qf6 53. Ke3 Kf8 54. Kd3 Qf1 55. Ke4 Qg2 56. Ke5 Qg5 57. Ke6 Qe7 58. Kf5 Qc7 59. Qa8 Ke7 60. Qe4 Kd8 61. Qh4 Kc8 62. Qh8 Kb7 63. Qe5 Qf7 64. Ke4 Qg6 65. Qf5 Qd6 66. Qf7 Kc8 67. Qf5 Kd8 68. Qa5 Ke8 69. d5 Kd7 70. Qa7 Kd8 71. Qa8 Kd7 72. Kf5 Ke7
Tal vs Botvinnik 1960
No sooner did Mikhail Botvinnik regain his title, the chess world became entranced by charismatic young Latvian named Mikhail Tal. Tal won the 1958 interzonal tournament at Portoroz, then helped the Soviet Union to retain the Chess Olympiad; before going on to win the 1959 Candidates Tournament with 20 out of 28 points–a point and a half ahead of second place Paul Keres.
Tal often sacrificed material in search for the initiative in chess. With such intuitive sacrifices, he created vast complications, and many masters found it impossible to solve all the problems he created over the board, though deeper post-game analysis found flaws in some of his conceptions. Although this playing style was scorned by ex-World Champion Vasily Smyslov as nothing more than “tricks”, Tal convincingly beat every notable grandmaster with his trademark aggression.
Read more here http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chess.pl?tid=54299
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