Game Changing Decisions 🎮 Middlegame Masterclass – GM Lemos [Masterclass]

When you’re next at the board playing a middlegame with no tactics in sight, you’ll be glad you took Damian Lemos’ Middlegame Masterclass! Damian has filtered middlegame theory into 7 key skills. Get instant access with 50% off ►

While there are countless resources on openings and endgames, the middlegame remains an area of chess that many struggle to get their heads around.

When it comes to getting better at the middlegame, there’s one big question: where to start? Pawn play, prophylaxis, blunder checks and tactical shots. Outposts, open files, king safety and combinations. There’s so much going on – more possibilities than atoms in the universe – and you’ve got to find the best move in a couple of minutes or less.

No wonder everyone sticks to openings, endings and tactics! Let’s face it – there are so many possible middlegame positions you could reach that it isn’t a case of memorising moves. You need to understand positional play, and how to come up with a plan which is no easy feat.

Unlike tactics, where a small combination of moves is easily apparent, with an immediate result, positional play is much more long-term. When you reach a key position in the middlegame, it is time to decide what to do next…

In this free preview from GM Damian Lemos new 9.5 hour Middlegame Masterclass, you’ll learn about these game changing decisions. How can you analyse the position and formulate a plan? What should you be trying to accomplish, no matter the exact position that arises on the boards once the opening phase is out of the way?

First, GM Lemos analyses a game between Huebner and Beliavsky from Black’s perspective in order to answer these important middlegame questions. Next, Damian analyses a second instructive game, this time from the White side, between Seirawan and Vukic from a middlegame strategy point of view.

80% of games are decided in the middlegame. And it’s very rare to get a comprehensive training like this Middlegame Masterclass, clearly explaining winning strategies, attack formations, advanced pawn play, how to evaluate positions properly…

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