Dominate with the Double Fianchetto! IM Valeri Lilov (Webinar Replay)

♕ 60% OFF GM LEMOS COURSE DOUBLE FIANCHETTO DOMINATION (offer expired, but you can still get it here at a special price):
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This week’s free webinar is going to reveal an opening system quietly being adopted by the elite players, with Kramnik pioneering it at the top level.

The Double Fianchetto system is a flexible, positionally sound opening you can play against nearly anything Black plays and it gives you great attacking chances.

This Saturday, IM Valeri Lilov is going to introduce you to the ideas behind this awesome opening in a free webinar.

Here are some of the things you’ll learn:

Wei Yi’s wild innovation which leads to a chaotic tactical situation that only you know how to handle (priceless for must-win games).
A beautiful technique which transforms a barely noticeable central advantage, into a raging pawn storm in just a few moves. Once you learn this pattern, it will serve you for life.
How to generate deadly attacks in every game thanks to the “disrupting the center” strategy – see how GM Fressinet uses this to maximum effect!
If you want an easy-to-learn opening system that gives you a ton of ways to win against anything your opponent comes up with, make sure you’re on this webinar!

If you’re serious about getting better at chess but don’t have much time to spend on study, our weekly webinars will give you the best return for your time. Real insights, real improvement, every week. And they’re free!

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