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One of the quickest ways to improve your chess is to model your game on a strong player. And, if you like to play exciting, attacking chess, the number one guy you should look to is Mikhail Tal, the “Magician from Riga”!
This Saturday (22nd October) GingerGM Simon Williams is going to show you how to play like Mikhail Tal by analyzing some of his most brilliant wins in a free, 1 hour webinar!
Here are some of the things you’ll learn:
The “play it anyway” approach to seemingly impossible moves.
How to create chaos in your opponent’s defense by displacing their pieces.
Mikhail Tal’s chess philosophies including always moving forward and bringing every piece into the attack.
How to use pawn breaks to rip open the center and get at the enemy King as quickly as possible.
Which type of moves you should calculate first in tactical situations.
How to coordinate your pieces to trap the King in a deadly mating net.
Not only will this webinar pack more power into your attacking play, it will also open your eyes to creative solutions to the problems you face on the chessboard.
If you’re serious about getting better at chess but don’t have much time to spend on study, our weekly webinars will give you the best return for your time. Real insights, real improvement, every week. And they’re free!