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♕ MORE: https://www.ichess.net/2016/03/28/master-sicilian-najdorf-miss-tactics/
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The Sicilian Najdorf is probably the most famous opening variation in all of chess, considered by many to be the “Cadillac of chess openings”. Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov were both devotees of the Najdorf throughout their phenomenally successful careers.
As many a player will tell you, though, the Sicilian Najdorf is very tricky to master. There are so many razor-sharp variations it is essential to know what you’re doing.
Thankfully, IM Sopiko Guramishvili has produced a stupendous 4.5 hour “Complete Najdorf Repertoire” to guide you to mastery of this opening. You can watch a free preview below.
What is it that makes the Najdorf such a popular variation of the Sicilian Defense? Is …a6 really such a special move?
The opening is named after legendary Argentine GM Miguel Najdorf who, when analyzing a Sicilian game with other players, kept insisting that …a6 was the move to be played. He later took his invention into competitive play and many were quick to pick up on the hidden strength of this move.
It might look like a loss of tempo but failure to guard the b5 square could lead to deadly tactics by White so it’s really prophylaxis (a preventative measure). But it does much more than that. It prepares …b7-b5, Bb7 and Rc8, accelerating Black’s attack on the Queenside, especially dangerous is White’s King has castled there as he does so often.
Over the years White has tried many 6th moves, Bc4, Be2, Be3, Bg5, f3 and h3. Each one of them brings their own influence on the game so knowledge of each line is needed. Miss Tactics covers all of them in this course.
In this preview, we look at Bobby Fischer’s favorite move, 6.Bc4. Sopiko demonstrates the most aggressive lines with White’s Queen taking up position on f3, eyeing a discovered attack against the a8 Rook.
See how Black manages to dampen all White’s threats with natural, useful moves (although also take note of what happens if you make a mistake). After completing development, Black gets to have some fun with a choice of attacks – watch the video to see how they play out.