♕ DVD: https://www.ichess.net/shop/crushing-white-caro-kann-defense-gm-maxim-dlugy/
♕ 10 GM SECRETS: http://ichess.net/10gmsecrets/
♕ MORE: https://www.ichess.net/2015/11/02/beat-2800-player-caro-kann/
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The Caro-Kann might look unambitious (would you play 1.c3?) but it’s actually a very powerful weapon in the right hands. Indeed, it was the favorite choice of World Champions Capablanca, Botvinnik, Petrosian and Karpov when facing 1.e4.
The appeal of the Caro-Kann is two-fold. Firstly, the opening is completely sound. Black has a number of ways to develop with active pieces and no damage to his pawn structure. Secondly, it is very easy for White to go wrong. Faced with a solid structure, White often plays aggressive moves that are doomed to fail. If you know what moves are mistakes and how to punish them then you will get a lot of wins as Black.
In “Crushing White with the Caro-Kann Defense”, GM Maxim Dlugy, a renowned expert on the Caro-Kann, reveals the strategies that have brought him win after win against world class players like Radjabov, Kamsky and Ivanchuk for 30 years.
In this free preview, Dlugy demonstrates how he handles the advance variation with his win over GM Alexander Morozevich (rated nearly 2800 at the time of this game).
Morozevich, famous for his attacking creativity, employs a system used by Nigel Short to defeat Anatoly Karpov en route to challenging Kasparov for the World title.
White’s formidable looking center soon comes under attack, however, and as early as move 10 it is Black who has got the space advantage.
Morozevich succeeds in increasing his piece mobility but only at the expense of allowing Black a protected passed pawn. Each attempt by White to get an initiative is refuted and the board is soon controlled by marauding Black pieces.
A clever trick (one worth remembering) forces the Queens off, giving Black a won ending but Dlugy’s pieces are so powerful he is still able to win material and keep his positional advantages.
This is a great game with many instructive ideas. Enjoy this video and remember to check out the DVD!
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