Mikhail Botvinnik’s winning method

♕ You can download the PGN of the games used here – https://goo.gl/k8zjVs

Mikhail Botvinnik has been the World champion for about 13 years. And certainly, we can learn a lot of things from him, his style of play and his experience.

You’ll learn about how to dominate your opponents, restricting their counter-plans, improving your own position gradually and many more.

♕ How to succeed in chess? (FREE e-book): https://goo.gl/CsEGw1
♕ How to analyze your games (FREE course): https://goo.gl/CSt8Nq
♕ Quick success in chess (FREE course): https://goo.gl/tLFDwB
♕ Chess Training Plan for Rapid Improvement (FREE course): https://goo.gl/hQxNGY
♕ Secrets of Strong Chess Players (FREE course): https://goo.gl/pF5uUv
♕ Chess Courses and videos: https://goo.gl/Ew9SoX

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