Hikaru Nakamura vs Stockfish minus b-pawn – Game 4 of 4

This is game 4 of 4 between Hikaru Nakamura (white) and Stockfish (black) with the caveat that Stockfish begin the game without some random pawn. In this game Stockfish began without the b-pawn. Stockfish played without an openings book and endgame tablebase. It was the latest development build for Stockfish compiled for OS X and was running on a 3Ghz 8-core Mac Pro. Time controls were set at 45 minutes each with a 30 second increment per move. The times for each side in the video give an approximate indication of how long each move took. All 4 games were played on August 23rd, 2014, and it took approximately 11 hours to complete.

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