Tactical Chess Guide! – GM Damian Lemos (EMPIRE CHESS)

♕ DVD: http://www.iChess.net/shop/tactical-chess-guide-gm-damian-lemos/
♕ 10 GM SECRETS: http://www.iChess.net/10gmsecrets/
♕ MORE: http://www.iChess.net/2014/08/18/tactics-grandmasters-perspective-gm-damian-lemos/
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This DVD looks at ‘Tactics’ and how a Grandmaster thinks in tactical situations. Searching for surprising moves, opening lines to the King, King Hunt, In-Between moves, Removal of Key Defenders and many more tactics are considered.

In this long exclusive excerpt of the Tactics DVD from ‘The Club Players Manifesto’ By GM Damian Lemos we see the Grandmaster clearly explain the following points from the game Strikovic-Tiviakov:

1. Two Pawns on the 7th are better than a Queen – if supported
2. Allowing your opponent to Queen first is sometimes okay
3. Create more weakness around your opponents King when battling to Queen your Pawn first
4. Queens can easily give a perpetual attack if there is no adequate Pawn or Piece cover
5. Ensure Kings to do reach safety in a King Hunt
6. Invite your opponent to make weaknesses around their King which you can exploit later

Interface used ICC: http://www.chessclub.com/from/WStewart/

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