GM Roman’s Ending Secrets!

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Tactical danger in Endgames!

In this video, Roman shows us the incredible tactical opportunities in Endgames with several pieces on the board. The first example shows us a surprising tactical shot of Rb5+ – Rg1 that many players would miss unless shown. Secondly The Bishop ending where White has just one pawn and chances to queen the Pawn but only with a waiting move maneuver to control the pawn promotion square.

Next up is a Rook, Knight and Pawn Ending and the correct approach to win is shown, which is awareness of tactical defences followed by a good maneuver. Next is a Bishop and two Pawns vs. Bishop and one Pawn where we see an instructive tactical draw using an ‘exceptional position’ positional awareness.

We then see a Queen fighting against lots of White pieces but White has a Special tactic to win the game. Finally we see a number of special tactics in Rook & Pawn Endgames. Beginners and Intermediate level players will definitely enjoy this.

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