Think and Play like a Chess Grandmaster!

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Think like Karpov!

GM Roman Dzindzichashvili looks at a typical ending arising from a Maroczy Bind where White has the Bishop Pair and maneuvers slowly until the break through is ready. Black’s active counter defense is examined (…b5) but White’s active plan of g4 busts the entire Black defences highlighting the dangers of Black’s artificial activity with…f5. Roman gives us insight as to how Karpov would handle the endgame followed by GM technique from a position of superiority.

Another Karpov example is shown and we see how simple and effective the game was for White to win by securing the d5 square in a Sicilian in conjunction with Black’s weaknesses on many light squares. Karpov shows that the light squares are easily exploited and a referred disadvantage for Black is having a ‘Bad Bishop’. It’s also shown that an endgame is a simple way to prove the advantage when White has a dominating piece at d5, a space advantage and a lead in development. Karpov shows that ‘Opposite Colored Bishops’ are not a draw if one side has superior activity, finally Roman takes a look at how Korchnoi thinks, attains a space advantage and then uses it.

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