♕ 10 GM SECRETS: http://www.iChess.net/10gmsecrets/
♕ DVD: http://www.iChess.net/shop/volume-8-9-essential-basic-chess-endgames/
♕ MORE: http://www.iChess.net/2013/11/14/rook-endgames-for-beginners-susan-polgar-chess-video/
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Rook endgames are considered one of the most difficult topics to study in chess because the difference between winning and drawing is extremely subtle. Frequently in rook endgames you can have a small advantage that is enough to win in the hands of an experienced Grandmaster, however a beginner or intermediate chess player is likely to play inaccurate moves that allow the opponent chances to escape. In the following chess video excerpt from ¨Learn the Endgame the Easy Way, Essential Basic Endgames – Part 2¨ Grandmaster Susan Polgar explains common patterns in rook endgames and how you can apply these deep ideas in your own games!
Interface used ICC: http://www.chessclub.com/from/WStewart/