Black Shockers – The Psycho Sicilian – IM Andrew Martin

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The Sicilian Defense is an extremely popular opening choice for black against 1. e4 because it nearly always grants black strong chances to fight for an advantage in the opening. However, the Sicilian Defense has been very heavily analyzed and it is not a good idea to play this opening system if you are not well-prepared on the main lines – unless you know some great sidelines! In the following chess video excerpt from the chess DVD ¨Black Shockers Vol. 1 – Austrian QG – Odd Sicilian¨ IM Andrew Martin presents a very interesting sideline for black in the Sicilian Defense involving 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 h6!? Now this line might look very strange but it is surprisingly effective as this move 2. …h6 is exceptionally versatile and directly fits in with many of the more principal lines in the Sicilian Defense. The main advantage for black is that you will be sidestepping the main lines and almost certainly confusing your opponent to a large degree. The main concepts of this 2. …h6 sideline often resemble black’s ideas in the Sveshnikov Variation of the Sicilian Defense, as demonstrated in the following chess video by IM Andrew Martin.

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