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The Sniper Sicilian Pterdactyl is a very interesting and offbeat opening where black begins along normal ¨Sniper¨ opening lines with 1. ..g6, 2. ..Bg7 and 3. ..c5 – allowing white to build a big pawn center so that black will have some exposed targets to attack from the sides. The distinguishing character of the Pterdactyl Variation is that on move 4 black brings his queen out with 4. ..Qa5 – pinning white’s knight on c3, placing indirect pressure on the e4 pawn, and also defending black’s c5 pawn. As strange as this early queen move may appear, it is actually quite effective and practically guaranteed to surprise your opponent and take him out of his comfort zone. The Sniper Sicilian Pterdactyl is a very effective surprise weapon that has held up at the high levels and is recommended by the strong Grandmaster Ron W. Henley!
Interface used ICC: http://www.chessclub.com/from/WStewart/