♕ 10 GM SECRETS: http://www.iChess.net/10gmsecrets/
♕ DVD: http://www.iChess.net/shop/kasparovs-greatest-hits/
♕ MORE: http://www.iChess.net/2013/06/17/kasparovs-greatest-hits-by-gm-damian-lemos/
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The King’s Indian Defense is one of the most popular and dangerous chess openings of all time. Former World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov employed the King’s Indian Defense at the highest levels of chess, achieving remarkable success with the black pieces by using this aggressive opening system against 1. d4. In this chess video excerpt from the 3+ hour chess DVD ¨Kasparov’s Greatest Hits¨, Grandmaster Damian Lemos analyzes one of Kasparov’s most impressive victories with the King’s Indian Defense where he absolutely destroyed the strong GM Vladimir Tukmakov in only 29 moves! This chess video specifically reviews a very effective response for black against the Averbakh System that involves an early 6. Bg5 by white. Kasparov energetically sacrifices a pawn to achieve strong pressure early in the game, resulting in a position that is similar to the Benko Gambit.
Interface used ICC: http://www.chessclub.com/from/WStewart/