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♕ MORE: http://www.iChess.net/2013/06/12/black-shockers-french-defense-fort-knox-im-andrew-martin/
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The Fort Knox Variation of the French Defense is an extremely solid sideline that has remained under-appreciated until recent years. In the below chess video excerpt from the chess DVD ¨Black Shockers Vol. 2 – French Fort Knox – Old Benoni¨ IM Andrew Martin explains that the Fort Knox Variation of the French Defense is a very sturdy response against 1. e4 and that black will almost certainly be able to achieve a playable equality from the opening. IM Martin is quick to point out that black will not be fighting for an incredibly quick and tactical win in the opening with this Fort Knox Variation – rather black is striving to achieve a solid position from the opening and transfer the weight of the struggle to a strategy-filled middlegame. The Fort Knox Variation arises in the French Defense after 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 (Nd2) dxe4 4. Nxe4 Bd7 5. Nf3 Bc6 – black relieves the pressure early on in the center with the rapid exchange 3. …dxe4 and then plays to immediately develop his ¨bad¨ light-squared bishop to a very active diagonal from on c6. The Fort Knox Variation is an excellent surprise weapon for black against 1. e4 and can be played in the main lines of the French Defense where white plays 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 or Nd2 – however the Fort Knox Variation can not be played against other main lines by white like the Advance Variation with 3. e5 or the Exchange Variation with 3. exd5. In the following chess video, IM Andrew Martin will explain the main strategic ideas and opening plans for black in the Fort Knox Variation of the French Defense.
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