Kramnik CRUSHES Kasparov – 1990s chess footage – Insane King’s Indian Defense

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Vladimir Kramnik is one of the only chess players that has consistently achieved good results against Garry Kasparov. In this classic chess video footage from the 1994 Moscow Intel Grand Prix, Kramnik puts an absolute beating on Kasparov in one of the craziest chess games ever. Kasparov responds to Kramnik’s 1. d4 with his favorite opening weapon with black – the King’s Indian Defense! The opening is complicated and it appears that Kasparov has obtained a very promising with the 18. …Be3 – planning to dominate the board with the bishop on d4. However Kramnik immediately exchanges black’s murderous bishop with 20. Nb3 and 21. Nxd4 – so that white can start pushing forward with a dangerous counterattack against black’s loose kingside pawns with 22. f4 – changing the initiative to white’s favor. After Kramnik sacrifices a piece with 26. fxe5! – Kasparov fought with exceptional resourcefulness, however he was simply unable to stop Kramnik’s mass of pawns in the center. This game became completely insane as only after sacrificing a piece, Kramnik sacrificed an exchange with 29. Rxf5! – resulting in a position where white has 4 pawns for black’s rook! Kasparov continued to fight but Kramnik confidently and precisely closed the game out, leading to Kasparov’s resignation after 41. d7

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